WordPress for Next Website

5 Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress For Your Next Website

WordPress is one of the best content management systems (CMS) available today. It powers a huge percentage of the websites on the internet, and for good reason. WordPress is super diverse, offers a huge range of features and plugins, and let’s you do pretty much anything you want to your website.

Ultimately, I’d recommend using WordPress to build your next website – but I’m sure you want to know why. With this in mind, I’ve put together a short list of my top 5 reasons why you should consider using WordPress:

WordPress is super popular
WordPress’s popularity makes it a great choice for first time website builders. The fact that so many people use it means that there are a lot of resources available online. If you have trouble doing something, you will be able to find answers.

Even if you can’t find direct tutorials or articles outlining the things you need to know, you will be able to find answers on forums or in chat rooms. Anyway, the fact that WordPress is so popular speaks for itself – it mustn’t be too bad!

WordPress is open source
Most website builders aren’t open source and therefore come with some limitations. On the other hand, WordPress is fully open source, which means that you can edit absolutely anything you want – as long as you have the skills.


Renovate A Website

How Often Should You Renovate A Website?

Probably at the minimum, you should look into a website overhaul every 2 years or so. There’s a number of reasons behind this:

Technology changes fast. You don’t need us to explain it, right?
Device trends change. About seven years ago, it was still rare to see large numbers of visitors using mobile devices. But now the majority of traffic is smartphones, tablets, and pads. You have to be sure those devices can access and easily navigate your site by making your designs responsive.

Security is a constant battle. If your blog software is more than 12 months old, chances are it’s already vulnerable to exploits and attacks.

Styles and trends change fast too. Just look at a typical page even from, say, 2008. It looks ancient now, because the web evolves so fast. A site that looks outdated won’t inspire confidence in your prospective customers.


Web Design

Clarity Of Message In Web Design

The year is 2013, the competition is tough, the number of web design competitors is high, and you only have 3-10 seconds to make the most recent visitor to stay on your website. If they stay, chances are that they can be converted, and to make them stay, web design plays a critical role.

Don’t get us wrong, we still believe that content is king. However, the web design can highlight and present the content effectively and efficiently, or it can overpower it thus reducing the effectiveness and clarity of the message. When it comes to conversions, web design and the UI play an equally important role along with the content of the website.

Persuasive web designs, and web designs with clarity, are often considered as two opposite ends of the spectrum. When one thinks of persuasive web design; flash animations, bright eye catching colours, banners, and similar features come to mind. The main aim of a persuasive web design is to capture the user’s attention within the first few seconds of their arrivals.

However, persuasive designs may not always equal conversions. Once the users stay, they start to browse and try to find what they are looking for, and if they can’t find what they are looking for, they move onto another website.


Designing Websites

More On Designing Websites For Universal Access

Visitors who have visual problems require a little more effort. A fraction of your visitors may be colourblind. To be easily accessible to colourblind persons, insert colours that do not appear similar when viewed. You can hold trial sessions for colourblind people to give you an idea of the colour shades that you can safely use to maintain their distinct quality.

In case of totally blind visitors, the task can get tougher since normally, blind people use a screen reader software that reads out aloud one word at a time, one line at a time. This could be very frustrating for them since if the information that they require is at the bottom of the page, then the software would take up valuable time in reading through the entire page before reaching the bottom. (more…)