When you pay the search engines per click for traffic, it is a good way to work out very quickly if you have a problem with your website.
While it is vital to your internet marketing strategy that your website has quick load times – it is down right painful if you don’t have optimised landing pages for your Pay-Per-Click marketing!
If you are experiencing poor conversions from your test traffic, one of the first things that you should do is run a Web Page Speed Report for your site.
A great website performance site with a Web Page Analyser is webpageoptimisation.com
The reports will tell your total page sizes including image and script sizes and whether anything needs to optimised. For a user on a dial up connection (in 2008, still up to 30% of some of our site traffic) the site still needs to load fast. Any more than a couple of seconds or so, and you start to lose your customers.
A lot of web designers make the mistake of making the pages too large, because they have a fast broadband connection. Their clients may also have a fast connection, so this aspect can easily go unnoticed.
We also explain web page design on one of our web pages here.
You need to keep your main page images optimized to less than 20KB and if possible down around 13KB. Small logos etc should be only a couple of KB.
Good luck optimising your site.